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Interweave your knowledge during Family Literacy Day

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Ottawa– Ottawa Public Library (OPL) will celebrate national Family Literacy Day with a fun family-friendly program.

On February 1, 2 pm to 3 pm, OPL invites you to celebrate Family Day with Puzzle Theatre at Studios Les-Lye Theatre, Meridian Theatre @ Centrepointe. The acting troupe will perform their show, Little Yarn Stories. The show portrays two women bring yarn balls to life and weave relationships, emotions, images and more.

OPL commits to cultivating an environment of learning and sparking curiosity. In addition to the show, join us 30 minutes before and after the performance for some special activities that will bring everyone to learn together. For details visit OPL’s website at and reserve your free tickets.

Family Literacy Day is held annually on January 27. The ABC Life Literacy Canada initiative celebrates learning as a family. Encourage learning by reading, helping your children discover new instruments and singing.