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First Nations Public Library Week

Bird's feather and Books on an orange background.

Oct 04, 2022

The First Nations Public Library Week happens the first week of October to coincide with Canadian Library Month. Since its creation in 2000, First Nations Public Library Week is dedicated to promote First Nations’ public library services and to celebrate cultural uniqueness through multiple library programs across Ontario. This year’s theme is Bekaa, Bzindaachagan, which means wait and listen in Anishinabemowin, the original language of the Ojibwe people. Waiting and listening to what someone has to say is a form of respect, and this act offers listeners the opportunity to learn new perspectives. 

During First Nations Public Library Week, Ontario libraries raise awareness of First Nation resources, services programs, and activities. Check out the Ontario Library Service Website to know more about the events planned across Ontario for this week. This week is another opportunity to learn more about First Nations communities and their culture. 

OPL collection also has numerous resources and books on First Nations and by First Nations’ creators. Check out the reading suggestions from the First Nation Communities Read Awards long list below and find your book for this week! 

October is Library Month! Discover what surprises OPL has in store for you this month! 

First Nation Communities Read Adult and YA Awards 2021/2022
by Collection_Development

Long list for the First Nation Communities Read Awards 2021/2022 in the Adult and the Young Adult categories. Winner to be announced the second week of October.

First Nation Communities Read Children's Awards 2021/2022
by Collection_Development

Long list for the First Nation Communities Read Awards 2021/2022 in the Children's categories. Winner to be announced the second week of October.