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An extraordinary storyteller has passed away : Serge Bouchard

May 14, 2021

One thing for sure : dying liberates us from Death.” – Serge Bouchard

On May 10 2021, Serge Bouchard, anthropologist, historian, writer and radio host has passed away. “Whenever an old man dies, it is as though a library were burning down” said Amadou Hampaté Bâ (Malian historian). This would be true in the case of Bouchard’s passing, if he didn’t leave us with two dozen books and thousands of recorded radio episodes from Radio-Canada.

He shone a light on the remarkable people who made the history of our continent, on its fascinating wilderness and animals, and on the culture of many Aboriginal groups, such as the Innu, a people with which he maintained a close friendship for decades. And he was above all a keen chronicler of what makes us human.

Immerse yourself in his work by borrowing his books at the library (print and electronic formats). Would you prefer listening to him instead of reading? The Ohdio page of Radio-Canada has put a spotlight on Bouchard's work this week : hours of audiobooks, interviews and radio episodes are available. An ideal resource to get into the flow of his captivating storyteller voice.

He passed away at 73 years old from the complications of peritonitis. In July of last year, he had lost his life partner and collaborator Marie-Christine Levesque to cancer.

L'oeuvre de Serge Bouchard, anthropologue
by Vero_biblio

Voici les titres de du grand Serge Bouchard en collection à la BPO, en date de son décès en mai 2021.