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Trillium Book Award 2022

Trillium Book Award

Jun 30, 2022

Ontario Creates presented on June 21 the winners of the Trillium Book Award. This award recognize literary excellence in Ontario. The awards goes to two French and two English books. The winners in 2022 are Ann Shin for The Last Exiles in English and Robert Marinier forUn conte de l'apocalyse in French. In poetry, Intruder, by Bardia Sinaee is the English recipient and Chloé LaDuchesse is the winner in French for Exosquelette.

The Trillium Book Awards are a nice way to get to know Ontario's authors. The finalists are a good example of the multicultural society we experience in Ontario today. Iran, Morocco, Quebec, Northern Ontario, Ottawa, it's literature without borders.

You will find a list of some of the winners and finalists below.

Happy reading!

Prix littéraire Trillium 2022 / Trillium Book Award 2022
by Karine_Biblio

Une sélection des lauréats et finalistes des Prix littéraire Trillium 2022 / A selection of books from the winners and finalists of the Trillium Book Award 2022