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English Language Learning Resources

Dec 06, 2021

With OPL’s language conversation groups on hold due to the pandemic, we hope that the listed resources below may help customers explore options to learn and practise English. Many partner organizations to whom we refer have moved to providing settlement assistance and referrals by phone or virtually. Please note that agencies that have nationalities, ethnicities, or religion in their names still welcome newcomers from all backgrounds - though certain eligibility criteria may apply (for example, the Catholic Centre for Immigrants assists all government-assisted refugees in the area).

Customers may also wish to contact municipal and provincial information lines. Phone assistance is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, in multiple languages through simultaneous translation. They can be contacted from pay phones using the listed toll-free numbers.

  • Dial 3-1-1 for City of Ottawa services and information, or have a look at the City of Ottawa Immigration Portal. Toll-free: 1-866-261-9799.
  • Dial 2-1-1 for Ontario’s community, social, non-clinical health and related government services, or see listings on the 211 Ontario website. Toll-free: 1-877-761-9076.

Free language instruction is available through the Language Instruction for Newcomers to Canada (LINC) program; these classes are available through local agencies and school boards, such as:

Language level assessments are required for LINC programs - in Ottawa, most take place through the YMCA Language Assessment and Referral Centre, and use the Canadian Language Benchmarksto describe language levels.

External Conversation Groups available online include:

More external English Language Learning Supports:

Additional resources that may be useful include:

Thank you for your support of newcomers and other vulnerable populations during this unprecedented time. We hope to safely hold these groups again soon - look out for OPL's English Conversation Groups starting in 2022.

ESL Conversation Groups
by Jordana_Library

This resource list is geared towards English Conversation Group volunteers, but English Language learners and others may find it helpful as well. Please contact with any feedback or for more information.