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Quick Picks from Candice

five book covers

Jeudi 19 mars 2020

It’s been a while since I’ve had enough time to sit down and gather thoughts about the books I’ve read recently and enjoyed. Here are some of my favourite reads from this year and late 2019. Every title in this list is available either as an eBook, eAudiobook, or both!  

The Guinevere Deception by Kiersten White 

Magic has been banned from Camelot, Merlin has been banished, but a mysterious force threatens Arthur. In order to protect him, Merlin came up with a plan: Guinevere, a young sorcerer, will marry the king, discover the sorce of the threat, and protect him at all costs.  

Foundryside by Robert Jackson Bennett  

If unique magic systems are your thing, this book is for you! In a world where objects need to be scrived with an ancient language to be imbued with magic, a young thief will find herself in possession of a dangerous artifact that must be kept out of the wrong hands.  

Sherwood by Meagan Spooner  

When Robin dies in the Holy Wars, Marian takes up his hood and becomes Robin Hood.  

The Nevermoor series by Jessica Townsend 

For fans of magic, world-building, and Harry Potter. Read more about it here.  

The Folk of the Air series by Holly Black 

Jude was raised by the man who murdered her parents – to say her feelings are complicated is a bit of an understatement. But living with a murderer is the least of her problems as a human growing up in faerie. 

What have you read recently that you enjoyed?