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  • Le samedi 1 juin à 11 h
    90 minutes

    Come and paint at the library! This is an opportunity to try out different techniques while meeting others who enjoy art. No lesson will be taught, however, books and videos will be available to provide ideas and inspiration. Materials will be provided.

    Register online.  Ages 9- 12.

  • computer, notebook and camera on a desk

    Le samedi 15 juin à 14 h
    120 minutes

    Lynda Buske from the Ottawa PC Users' Group and the Orleans Photo Club will show you how to make a hard copy book using the on-line service, Photobook Canada. You can completely customize the arrangement of your photos, backgrounds, frames, embellishments, etc. A great way to preserve memories of family events or travel!

    Saturday June 15, 2:00-4:00pm

    Registration required

  • Graphic of 4 adults smiling together

    Le mercredi 26 juin à 13 h
    120 minutes

    Join us for a workshop from The Council on Aging of Ottawa / Le Conseil sur le vieillissement d'Ottawa.  Participants will explore what’s involved (practically, emotionally, and financially) in continuing to live independently with services and supports.  This will include an overview of common needs, available options, and financial considerations.

    Registration required

    Wednesday June 26, 1:00-3:00pm

  • Graphic of 4 adults smiling together

    Le mercredi 28 août à 13 h
    120 minutes

    Join us for a workshop from The Council on Aging of Ottawa / Le Conseil sur le vieillissement d’Ottawa. Participants will explore their current banking and shopping habits, learn how to safely bank and shop online, as well as when and how online banking and shopping can be helpful as an alternative to conventional methods.

    Registration required

    Wednesday August 28, 1:00-3:00pm