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  • circles containing images from films, superimposed on a stylized map of Asia on a pink background

    Le samedi 11 mai à 13 h
    60 minutes

    Join us for a program of short animated films by women of Asian descent!

    In Flowing Home, two sisters separated by the war between North and South Vietnam are only able to connect through the letters they exchange to relieve their loneliness.

    Winds of Spring tells the tender story of a young girl who, driven by the irrepressible need for self-fulfillment, decides to leave the family nest.

    In Old Dog, an elderly pug named Henry must depend on his owner for help and companionship.

    In A Prairie Story, a prairie landscape undergoes a metamorphosis from rural idyll to over-urbanized dystopia.

    Showa Shinzan tells the story of a young Japanese girl's relationship with her grandfather, a postmaster and amateur geologist.

    The Zoo follows the parallel lives of a polar bear cub in a popular city zoo and a Chinese boy who visits him until they’re both in their twilight years.

    Surfacing explores the passions of acclaimed musician and songwriter Sarah McLachlan, using her own words and drawings to guide us through her rich creative world, the founding of the groundbreaking Lilith Fair, and her philanthropic work at the Sarah McLachlan School of Music.

    55 min. Multiple languages. Provided by the National Film Board.

  • Les lundis, 6 mai, 2024 - 12 mai, 2024
    12 h 00
    540 minutes

    7 sessions restantes

    Drop in during opening hours from  May 1 to May 12 to complete a self-directed scavenger hunt. Ages 3-8.

    Passez nous voir entre le1 mai et le 12 mai  pendant les heures d’ouverture pour participer à une chasse au trésor. Pour les enfants de 3 à 8 ans.

  • parents reading to children / des parents lisent à leurs enfants

    Les mardis, 7 mai, 2024 - 28 mai, 2024
    10 h 00
    30 minutes

    4 sessions restantes

    Stories, rhymes, and songs for preschool children and a parent/caregiver. 

    Contes, comptines, et chansons pour les enfants d'âge préscolaire accompagnés d’un parent ou gardien.

  • Children playing board games.

    Les mercredis, 15 mai, 2024 - 29 mai, 2024
    13 h 30
    90 minutes

    2 sessions restantes

    Join us for an afternoon of board games, LEGO, cards & fun for home-schooled children and their families. Homeschooled teen meet-up in the Teen Zone.


     Soyez des nôtres pour un après-midi de jeux de société, de LEGO, de cartes et de plaisir destiné aux enfants instruits à la maison et leurs familles. Rencontre d’adolescents dans la Zone pour ados.

  • lego

    Le lundi 3 juin à 14 h 30
    90 minutes

    Create and build with Lego®! Drop-in program. Ages 6-12. 

    Architectes en herbe, à vos Lego®! Programme portes ouvertes. Pour les enfants de 6 à 12 ans.

  • lego

    Le vendredi 7 juin à 14 h 30
    90 minutes

    Create and build with Lego®! Drop-in program. Ages 6-12. 

    Architectes en herbe, à vos Lego®! Programme portes ouvertes. Pour les enfants de 6 à 12 ans.