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Certains programmes en succursale requièrent une inscription avec votre carte de bibliothèque. Veuillez-vous connecter avec votre compte de bibliothèque ou suivre ce lien pour demander une carte en ligne. Vous pouvez également demander une carte en personne dans l'une de nos 33 succursales.

  • lego

    Le vendredi 7 juin à 14 h 30
    90 minutes

    Create and build with Lego®! Drop-in program. Ages 6-12. 

    Architectes en herbe, à vos Lego®! Programme portes ouvertes. Pour les enfants de 6 à 12 ans.

  • Le samedi 8 juin à 10 h
    120 minutes

    Sit and knit awhile, browse our selection of knitting books, and check out the projects being done by our community's knitters.

  • world wide knit in public day logo

    Le samedi 8 juin à 10 h
    120 minutes

    Join the "The Great Yarn of Manotick" knitters on the grounds of Watson's Mill & Dickinson House, 5525 Dickinson St, Manotick, to knit, chat with fellow knitters, and see the projects being created by some our community’s knitters.

    Will meet inside the Manotick library branch if weather is inclement.

  • pansy

    Le mardi 11 juin à 14 h
    60 minutes

    Join us for an afternoon of crafting.  Participants will experiment with using fresh flowers to create art.  Supplies will be provided.

  • Le vendredi 14 juin à 14 h 30
    90 minutes

    Désolé, cet événement et sa liste d'attente sont complets.

    Join us on Friday afternoons to explore the art of drawing and mark-making as a form of mindfulness. Each session will focus on a different creative technique that we can use to create beautiful art. But if you would just like to sit and colour while sipping some hot chocolate or herbal tea, then please do!

    All skill levels are welcome!
    All materials and refreshments will be provided for participants.

  • Le samedi 15 juin à 10 h
    360 minutes

    Drop in to our branch during the day and exchange puzzles with other members of our community.

    Bring one, take one. Bring two, take two! 

    If you are ready to let go of some gently used puzzles ahead of time, please drop them off at the desk on the 2nd floor starting June 12th during opening hours. This will help us prepare for the big day!

  • Le samedi 15 juin à 10 h 30
    90 minutes

    Do you love puzzles?

    Would you like to try new ones and trade your old ones?

    Join us for our first Puzzle Swap.

     Bring  a puzzle, take a puzzle!

    Aimez-vous les casse-têtes?

    Aimeriez-vous échanger vos casse-têtes usagés et en essayer de nouveaux?

    Joignez-vous à nous pour notre tout premier échange de casse-têtes!

     Vous donnez et vous recevez!

  • computer, notebook and camera on a desk

    Le samedi 15 juin à 14 h
    120 minutes

    Lynda Buske from the Ottawa PC Users' Group and the Orleans Photo Club will show you how to make a hard copy book using the on-line service, Photobook Canada. You can completely customize the arrangement of your photos, backgrounds, frames, embellishments, etc. A great way to preserve memories of family events or travel!

    Saturday June 15, 2:00-4:00pm

    Registration required

  • Web banner for hobbies and crafts

    Le samedi 15 juin à 14 h 30
    90 minutes

    Désolé, cet événement et sa liste d'attente sont complets.

    Using a hammer and fresh leaves and flowers, you will create beautiful cards and bookmarks.  All materials will be supplied OR bring your own foliage if you have a favorite.

  • Le mardi 18 juin à 18 h 30
    60 minutes

    L'inscription débute le lundi 13 mai 2024 - 10h00

    Adults are invited to join us in making their own cards. Make greeting cards for your loved ones for any occasion. Supplies are provided but feel free to also bring your own. All skill levels are welcome. Come along and have fun!