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  • Turtle with swirls of black, red, yellow and white, with the OPL logo on its back

    Le samedi 8 juin à 13 h
    90 minutes

    In honour of National Indigenous History Month, Cumberland presents this deep dive into the brilliant mind of Thomas King, Indigenous intellectual, master storyteller, and author of the bestselling book The Inconvenient Indian, to shatter the misconception that history is anything more than stories we tell about the past. It is a crucial part of the conversation between Indigenous peoples and those of us who have settled, uninvited, on these lands.

    2020. 1 hour 28 min. In English with French subtitles.


    À l'honneur du Mois de l'histoire des autochtones, Cumberland vous présente L’Indien malcommode, produit à une époque de changements décisifs et de réexamens essentiels. Ce film met en évidence la brillante déconstruction du discours colonial d’Amérique du Nord à laquelle procède Thomas King, qui réécrit cette histoire grâce aux voix puissantes de ceux et celles qui perpétuent la tradition de la résistance autochtone.

    2020. 1h 28 minutes. En anglais avec sous-titres en français.

    Writer Thomas King sits in a movie theater, holding a bucket of popcorn

  • Asian Heritage Month | Mois de patrimoine asiatique

    Le jeudi 30 mai à 18 h 30
    135 minutes

    *Nominated for the Oscar for best documentary at the Academy Awards.

    In a small Indian village, Ranjit wakes up to find that his 13-year-old daughter has not returned from a family wedding. A few hours later, she’s found stumbling home. After being abducted into the woods, she was sexually assaulted by three men. Ranjit goes to the police, and the men are arrested. But Ranjit’s relief is short-lived, as the villagers and their leaders launch a sustained campaign to force the family to drop the charges. A cinematic documentary, To Kill a Tiger follows Ranjit’s uphill battle to find justice for his child. In India, where a rape is reported every 20 minutes and conviction rates are less than 30 percent, Ranjit’s decision to support his daughter is virtually unheard of. With tremendous access, we witness the emotional journey of an ordinary man facing extraordinary circumstances. A father whose love for his daughter forces a social reckoning that will reverberate for years to come.

    2022 | 135 minutes | Original Version in Hindi and Nagpurii with English subtitles 

  • Le mercredi 12 juin à 13 h
    90 minutes

    'The Perfect Story' offers a riveting, intimate look at the ethical and moral challenges sparked by the relationship between a foreign correspondent and a young Somali refugee. By revealing the boundaries of journalism and filmmaking, the film questions what stories are told, why, and who gets to tell them.

    English: 2021 | 1 h 13 min

  • NFB logo

    Le jeudi 13 juin à 18 h 30
    75 minutes

    Unspoken Tears (Trauma Through Words) (2022) by Hélène Magny

    How can refugee children integrate into Quebec’s school system, given the unspeakable violence they’ve experienced? Following a psychologist specializing in conflict-related trauma, Unspoken Tears pays tribute to the admirable resilience and survival strategies of these “small adults,” whose spirit the bombs and camps have not completely crushed, at a time when it is vital to raise awareness in Western societies of migration-related issues and children’s rights.

    French with English subtitles | 2022 | 75 minutes.

  • NFB logo

    Le jeudi 20 juin à 18 h 30
    90 minutes

    The Inconvenient Indian 

    The Inconvenient Indian dives deep into the brilliant mind of Thomas King, Indigenous intellectual, master storyteller, and author of the bestselling book The Inconvenient Indian, to shatter the misconception that history is anything more than stories we tell about the past. With winks to his cab driver Coyote along the way, King takes us on a critical journey through the colonial narratives of North America. He eloquently exposes the falsehoods of white supremacy and deftly punctures myths of Indigenous erasure to lay bare what has been extracted from the land, culture, and peoples of Turtle Island. In this time of momentous change and essential re- examination, Inconvenient Indian is a powerful visual poem anchored in the land and amplified by the voices of those who continue the tradition of Indigenous resistance. Artist activists, land protectors, hunters, and those leading cultural revitalization powerfully subvert the “inconvenience” of their existence, creating an essential new narrative and a possible path forward for us all.

    English, Inuktitut, Cree and Anishinaabemowin with English subtitles | 2020 | 90 minutes.

  • WaaPaKe (Tomorrow) in white text on fiery background

    Le vendredi 28 juin à 14 h
    90 minutes

    For generations, the suffering of residential school Survivors has radiated outward, impacting Indigenous families and communities. Dr. Jules Arita Koostachin’s deeply personal documentary WaaPaKe (Tomorrow) moves beyond intergenerational trauma, with an invitation to unravel the tangled threads of silence and unite in collective freedom and power.

    2023. 1h 20 min. In English with French subtitles.


    Au fil des générations, la souffrance des survivantes et survivants des pensionnats a irradié et entraîné des conséquences sur les familles et les communautés autochtones. Le documentaire éminemment personnel de Jules Arita Koostachin (Ph. D.) WaaPaKe (Demain) dépasse le traumatisme intergénérationnel : il nous invite à défaire les nœuds du silence et à évoluer ensemble vers la liberté et la force collectives.

    2023. 1h 20 min. en anglais avec sous-titres en français.

  • NFB logo

    Le jeudi 4 juillet à 18 h 30
    75 minutes

    Disability Pride Month

    Shameless: the Art of Disability (2006) by Bonnie Sherr Klein 

    Art and activism are the starting point for a funny and intimate portrait of five surprising individuals with diverse disabilities. Packed with humour and raw energy, this film follows the gang of five from B.C. to Nova Scotia as they create and present their own images of their disabilities.

    1 hour 11 min - English only

  • NFB logo

    Le jeudi 8 août à 18 h 30
    35 minutes

    International Pride Month

    Picture This (2017) by Jari Osborne

    What does it mean to be disabled and desirable? In Picture This, a new documentary by Jari Osborne, we meet Andrew Gurza, a self-described “queer cripple” who has made it his mission to make sex and disability part of the public discourse.

    33 minutes - English only