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Guide to Market Research, Ottawa

Market research is an ongoing process of gathering and analyzing information related to getting your products/services to the consumer. Understanding the wants and needs of your customer and the opportunities in the market is essential for business success.   BDC (Business Development Bank of Canada) offers an overview of how to conduct market research

Emphasis in this guide is on resources that are free.

Primary Market Research

Primary Market Research is the data you gather yourself, about your market, your potential customers, and your future business prospects.  You must decide what information you’re looking for and how you will contact your target group. The following are resources to learn the various techniques involved in conducting Primary Market Research along with the most commonly used tools.  Also check out our topic guide on primary market research.

Secondary Market Research

Secondary Market Research is finding published research material, articles, and statistics, and analyzing it for your market, your business area.  For example, find contact details and financial records of companies (e.g., potential corporate sponsors, donors; competitors), find social and industrial trends, learn of new trends.  Below are resources that you can access free of charge.

For a Market Research consultation, book an appointment online.