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Children’s Storytelling Festival: Six days of stories online and in-person – FREE!

kids listening to storyteller - les enfants écoutent le conteur / la conteuse.

Sep 23, 2022

Once again, the Ottawa Public Library is thrilled to partner with Ottawa StoryTellers to offer the 28th Ottawa Children’s Storytelling Festival, from November 21 to 26, 2022Inspired by the success of the Storytelling Day presented at the Nepean Centrepointe branch in recent years, this full week festival is greatly expanded, and provides children with an opportunity to hear from a wide variety of storytellers from Ottawa and across Canada.

There will be something for all tastes and ages: tales and rhymes for the little ones, stories full of twists and turns for the older ones and beautiful traditional tales told by Indigenous tellers. In both French and English.

Full schedule and event details coming soon!


Children’s Storytelling Festival: Six days of stories online

I am looking forward to the 2022 Storytelling Festival! What an amazing partnership- The Ottawa Public Library, Odawa Native Friendship Centre, Le Conseil des écoles catholiques du Centre-Est, Le Consortium Centre Jules-Léger, Le Cercle des conteurs et conteuses de l'Est de l'Ontario, and Ottawa StoryTellers.